General terms and sales conditions

Conditions of sale

Our offers are always without engagement. A contract of sale is only achieved if we confirm it in written form. The prices are according to current price list, ex works and do not include carriage, installation charges or V.A.T. Should substancial changes in exchange rates or market conditions or raw material prices appear we have the right to adjust the prices.


The delivery time is normally 4-5 weeks from receipt of order or from letter of credit notification date. We reserve the right to alter these terms according to production requirements.
Payment Any delay in payment of the invoices shall entail an automatic liability to pay interest on sums due, without notice at accumulated annual interest of fourteen (14) per cent. Metos retains full ownership of the sold goods until the total price with interests and expenses is fully paid.


The client is obliged to examine the products immendiately. Defi ciencies stated at this examination must be promptly denounced to us in written form. The guarantee period is 12 months from invoice date and it covers the faulty parts only. Damage occured in transit or due to incorrect installation or maintenance cannot be considered.
Additional to these terms we use general agreement terms NLM 94 “General Conditions for the Supply and Erection of Machinery and other Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Equipment”; issued in 1994 by the organisations for the engineering industries in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark). We also refer to “General Conditions for the Supply of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Products”, issued in Brussels, August 2000.