Metos Hot-fill pumps ensure quick and precise dispensing of liquid food products. Soups, sauces and mashed potatoes are filled into bags and containers effortlessly. The built-in scale ensures that weighing of the product happens in one and the same workflow saving time in the kitchen. Changing the filling process from bags to containers only takes a few moments.
Metos Hot-fill pumps ensure uniform portions. Operating the machine is managed via a modern touch-screen display with a user-friendly interface and built-in programmes. The display also controls how quickly the product is to be dispensed allowing flexibility in the workflow.
Dispensing hot food products is normally associated with a number of health and safety risks. These risks are minimized with a fully automated dispensing system. Additionally the pumps prevent effectively inappropriate working positions.
Dos 2 Classic – for filling containers or GN pans, not bags, by weight. Soups and Sauces or Mashed Potato. Completed with semi-automated cleaning system CIP.
Dos 2 Combi – for filling into containers, GN pans and bags. Soups and Sauces or Mashed Potato. Completed with semi-automated cleaning system CIP.
Dos 2 Advantage – for filling into containers, GN pans and bags. Soups and Sauces, Mashed Potato, Curry, Goulasch, Stew, Jams etc. Completed with semi-automated cleaning system CIP.
Dos 3 Fully automatic – making the bags itself. If you prepare 1000kg of potato and 1000kg of tomato soup daily, this is the right solution for you. Completed with fully automatic cleaning system CIP.